Criteria to Use when Buying a Cycling Bicycle

There are lots of reasons to take up cycling. There are many that decide to ride bicycles because they are able to save a ton of money on both the price of gas and maintenance costs. Others choose it because riding a bike is better for the environment than travelling in a car or using public transportation.

Still others simply ride bicycles for fun. No matter what the reason is for choosing a bicycle, there are some things you should keep in mind before you decide. If you really want to choose the perfect cycling bicycle, you need to think about more than just what it looks like. This article is intended to give you a head's up on what you should keep in mind when it's time to buy your bicycle.

We’d be lying if we tried to tell you that fashion shouldn’t play into your choice. The fact is that we all have color and style preferences. These are going to come into play when you are shopping for your bicycle. Looking good will be a great benefit of getting your new bike, but don’t let fashion choices be the guiding decisions factors. Excellent safety and comfort should be the first criteria met by your new bike. After finding bikes that are both safe and comfy, then you can see which ones look the best to you.

Take 9" away from the total of your inseam if you plan to get a road bike. This is due to the type of tires you will be using for a road bike. City riding is done with thin tires, designed to work perfectly with the smooth concrete roads and sidewalks you find in a city. If you are looking for a mountain bike, you will want to subtract about a foot (twelve inches) from your inseam measurement. This is because the tires of a mountain bike are different than those on a road bike. Mountain bike tires are thicker than road bike tires, designed for rocky terrain. You can of course use a mountain bike for road cycling but this isn't supposed to be their primary use.

Another thing to keep in mind is purchasing safety gear. Bicycle helmets have come a long way since they were first introduced. Not only are they made to better protect you, but they are also made to appeal a bit more aesthetically. You should never go for a ride without putting on your helmet first. You don't even realize how important this thing can be in saving your life.

It wouldn't view hurt to also grab some elbow and knee guards, as well as ankle and wrist guards, just in case you decide to take your bike off the road. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself some pants clips. These things are little clips that clip the pants leg up so they don't get tangled in the chain or the gears.

So many options are available to you as you shop for a new bike. From fashion to safety, you have a multitude of choices to make. If you don’t have a lot of experience with cycling bicycles, you will probably feel overwhelmed and insecure as you start your shopping. A little time spent looking into the choices will allow you to relax and buy the best bike for you.

Look up some of your choices before you hit the store. The peace it will offer during shopping makes it very worthwhile.

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